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Quartile Developer Portal

Quartile Dev Portal has a simple option for you to make requests in our API and export code examples in Java, C#, Python, PHP etc.

Log in to the developer portal and go to the API page..

Access API

Access API

Select an API

Select an API

Select an Endpoint

Select an Enpoint

See requirements for request

All request parameters have a predescription of what that field is.

See requirements for request

What will return?

Before making a request you can see what the endpoint should return. Scroll down to the response part, you can see what the status and return type of this endpoint is.

Successfull response

Successfull response



Unprocessable Entity

Unprocessable Entity

Try it

Make the request by clicking on Try it

Click on the button Try it

button try it

Select authorization_code

If it is the first access, a window will open for you to login to generate an access token, after login the dev portal will automatically set an access token in your requests.

Generate token automatically

Generate token automatically

After generate token

The access token will be automatically set in the request header.

After generate token

Select subscription key

The subscription key is automatically set if you have a Quartile-enabled key for your access.

After generate token

Set the profileId

Case you don't have the profileId, you can get using the endpoint /amazon/{version}/accounts.

After generate token

Send request

When you click on the button Send, the request will be sent and the response will be displayed.

After generate token

See the response.

The response will be displayed in the response part.

After generate token