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To standardize endpoints and make them simpler to use, in v2, we made some changes to endpoint input and output contracts. There are several changes between v1 and v2!

  • Changed: means that the endpoint has changed in some way.
  • Endpoint: means that the path has changed.
  • Json(In/Out): means that the input and output contracts have changed.


The ~ means that the endpoint is not available in v1. But it is available in v2.

Background processing

In v2, some endpoints may receive new features; for example, on patch endpoints that end with /batch you can send a list of resources to process in the background in a single request, then use the get /batch/{id} to check the status of the processing.

Batch processing is an excellent way to reduce the number of requests.

The batch processing is limited to 100 resources per request and the items needs to be unique.

After you send a batch request, you can check the status of the processing using the get /batch/{id} endpoint.

The status code and status can be:

  • 206-PENDING: the batch is in the queue waiting to be processed.
  • 206-RUNNING: the batch is being processed.
  • 206-PARTIAL: the batch has been processed partially.
  • 206-FAILED: the batch has failed to be processed completely.
  • 200-SUCCESS: the batch has been processed successfully.


Now the OAuth API v2 has a new endpoint called /login used to authenticate the user and return the access and refresh tokens. This endpoint is not available in v1.

The /token endpoint is deprecated in v2. It is still available in v1 but will be removed in the future.

In v1, the first authentication is necessary to get access and refresh tokens on the Quartile Dev Portal. But now, in v2, you can use the /login endpoint to authenticate the user and get the tokens.

The username and password are the same as the ones used to log in on the Quartile Portal.


Path: /auth/{version}

Methods /v1 /v2 Changed Endpoint Json(In/Out)
GET /token deprecated
POST /refresh-token /refresh
POST /validate-token /validate
POST ~ /login

Amazon API

The Amazon API has new changes in v2. You can see the changes in the table below.

All endpoints now add, change or remove only one resource at a time. This means that the input and output contracts are now different from the ones in v1. You can see the changes in the table below.


Path: /amazon/{version}

Methods v1 v2 Changed Endpoint Json(In/Out)
GET /accounts /accounts


Path: /amazon/{version}/pipe

Methods v1 v2 Changed Endpoint Json(In/Out)
GET /campaigns /campaigns
GET /adgroup /adgroup
GET /target /target
GET /keyword /keyword
GET /reports /reports/{reportId}
POST /reports /reports


Path: /amazon/{version}/process

Methods v1 v2 Changed Endpoint Json(In/Out)
GET /masterlist /masterlist
POST /masterlist /masterlist
GET ~ /masterlist/{id}
PUT /masterlist /masterlist/{id}
DELETE /masterlist /masterlist/{id}
PATCH ~ /masterlist/batch
GET ~ /masterlist/batch/{id}
GET /campaignsstatus /campaigns-status
POST /campaignsstatus /campaigns-status


Path: /amazon/{version}/parameters

Methods v1 v2 Changed Endpoint Json(In/Out)
GET /products /products/acos
POST /products /products/acos
GET ~ /products/acos/{id}
PUT /products /products/acos/{id}
DELETE /products /products/acos/{id}
GET ~ /products/acos/history
GET /campaigns /campaigns/acos
POST /campaigns /campaigns/acos
GET ~ /campaigns/acos/{id}
PUT /campaigns /campaigns/acos/{id}
DELETE /campaigns /campaigns/acos/{id}


Path: /amazon/{version}/products

Methods v1 v2 Changed Endpoint Json(In/Out)
GET /tag /tags
GET ~ /tags/{id}
PUT /tag /tags/{id}
GET /info /info
POST /info /info
GET ~ /info/{id}
PUT /info /info/{id}
DELETE /info /info/{id}
GET /inboundinventory /inbound-inventory
POST /inboundinventory /inbound-inventory
GET ~ /inbound-inventory/{id}
PUT /inboundinventory /inbound-inventory/{id}
DELETE /inboundinventory /inbound-inventory/{id}


Path: /amazon/{version}/unmanaged

Methods v1 v2 Changed Endpoint Json(In/Out)
GET ~ /asins
POST ~ /asins
GET ~ /asins/{id}
PUT ~ /asins/{id}
DELETE ~ /asins/{id}
PATCH ~ /asins/batch
GET ~ /asins/batch/{id}
GET ~ /campaigns
POST ~ /campaigns
GET ~ /campaigns/{id}
PUT ~ /campaigns/{id}
DELETE ~ /campaigns/{id}
PATCH ~ /campaigns/batch
GET ~ /campaigns/batch/{id}